Policy summary

Introduction: Our ELD Truck Application ("SPEEDLINE ELD") is dedicated to safeguarding your privacy. This Privacy Policy elucidates the varieties of personal information that we may gather from you, the ways in which we utilize this information, and the measures we take to ensure its security. By utilizing the App, you agree to our collection, utilization, and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with the details outlined in this Privacy Policy.
Information Gathering: We may gather various forms of personal information from you, including:
  • Contact Details: This encompasses your name, email address, and phone number.
  • Location Insights: This includes GPS data that provides information about your location.
  • Device Specifications: We may collect details about the type of device you are using and its operating system.
  • Usage Patterns: Insights into how you navigate and utilize the features of "SPEEDLINE ELD."
  • Furthermore, we might obtain additional details, such as your driver's license number, motor carrier number, and other information necessary for compliance with regulations set forth by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).
How We Use Your Personal Information: Your personal information serves various purposes, including:
  • Ensuring App Functionality: We employ your personal information to facilitate your access to the App's features and services. This encompasses tasks such as tracking your driving hours and furnishing alerts and notifications.
  • Personalizing Your SPEEDLINE ELD Experience: Your personal information aids in tailoring the App to align with your preferences, ensuring a customized and user-centric experience. It's important to note that we do not employ your personal information for marketing purposes.
  • Keeping You Informed: We utilize your personal information to communicate essential updates and notifications regarding SPEEDLINE ELD. This includes informing you about alterations to the Terms of Use or Privacy Policy.
  • Enhancing App Performance: Your personal information assists us in analyzing usage patterns, thereby identifying opportunities to enhance the App's performance and functionality.
  • Compliance with Legal Obligations: We may use your personal information to meet legal and regulatory requirements, encompassing record-keeping and reporting obligations.
How We Secure Your Personal Information: The security of your personal information is a paramount concern, and we have implemented rigorous technical and organizational measures to ensure its protection. Employing industry-standard encryption, we safeguard your data during transmission, and we securely store it on servers with limited access, further bolstering the layers of protection in place.
Disclosure of Personal Information: Your personal information is not subject to sale, rental, or lease to third parties by us. However, we may disclose such information when mandated by law or deemed essential to safeguard our legal rights or those of others. Instances where legal obligations may necessitate personal information disclosure include responding to subpoenas, court orders, or other lawful requests. Furthermore, we may collaborate with third-party service providers who aid us in certain functions. It's important to note that such collaborations are guided by stringent confidentiality and security measures.
Cookies and Other Tracking Mechanisms: We may employ cookies and alternative tracking mechanisms to gather information about your interaction with "SPEEDLINE ELD." Cookies, which are compact data files stored on your device upon accessing the App, are utilized to customize your App experience and monitor usage patterns. You have the option to deactivate cookies in your browser settings; however, this action may restrict your access to specific App features.

Contact Information
Website: speedlineeld.com
Email: info@speedlineeld.com

Full policy

Categories of Collected Information: This Application may gather various classifications of Personal Data, either independently or via third-party sources, including Phone permission and Storage permission. Each category of Personal Data collected is comprehensively detailed in the corresponding section of this privacy statement or through explicit explanations presented prior to Data collection. Personal data can be voluntarily provided by the User or automatically obtained through usage data during the use of this Application. Unless otherwise specified, the Application requires the provision of any sought-after Data. Failure to furnish this Data may result in the Application's inability to provide its services. Nonetheless, if the Application indicates that certain Data is optional, Users have the discretion to withhold such information without affecting the availability or functionality of the Service. For clarification on mandatory Personal Data, Users can contact the Owner with any inquiries.

Method of Data Handling: In order to thwart unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or any form of unauthorized Data destruction, the Owner employs requisite security measures. Data processing occurs utilizing computers and/or IT-enabled tools strictly aligned with the defined purposes. Specific categories of responsible parties involved in the functioning of this Application (including administration, sales, marketing, legal, and system administration) or external entities (such as mail carriers, hosting companies, IT firms, communications agencies, and third-party technical service providers) may have access to the Data as designated Data Processors by the Owner, as necessary. Users can request the most up-to-date list of these parties from the Owner at any given time.

Legal Basis for Processing: The Owner may engage in the processing of Users' Personal Data under the following circumstances: Users have granted explicit consent for one or more specific purposes; the provision of Data is necessary for the fulfillment of a contractual agreement with the User and/or for any pre-contractual obligations; processing is essential for compliance with a legal obligation to which the Owner is bound; processing is deemed necessary for the legitimate interests pursued by the Owner or a third party; or the processing is connected to a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the Owner. In any scenario, the Owner is available to assist in identifying the precise legal basis applicable to the processing, clarifying whether the provision of Personal Data is mandated by law, contract, or necessary to enter into a contract.

Data Transfers: The transmission of Data may involve sending the User's information to a country other than their country of residence, depending on the User's location. Users can refer to the section containing details about the processing of Personal Data to ascertain the location of processing for such transferred Data. Additional insights into these transfers can be obtained by reviewing relevant sections of this agreement or by reaching out to the Owner through the contact details provided.

Retention Period: Personal Data will be processed and retained for the duration required by the purpose for which it was collected. Information collected in connection with the execution of a contract between the Owner and the User will be retained until the completion of that contract. Data collected in pursuit of the Owner's legitimate interests will be retained for the necessary duration to achieve those specific purposes. Extended retention may be permissible if the User has granted consent for processing without subsequent withdrawal, or when mandated by legal requirements or authoritative directives. After the expiration of the retention period, Personal Data must be deleted. Consequently, rights related to access, erasure, correction, and data portability cannot be exercised once the retention period concludes.

Purpose of Processing: The processing of User information serves various objectives, including facilitating the delivery of the Service, meeting legal obligations, responding to law enforcement requests, safeguarding the rights and interests of the Owner, users, and third parties, detecting suspicious or fraudulent activity, and granting access rights to personal data on a device. For more comprehensive details on the processing of Personal Data, Users can refer to the section titled "Detailed Information on the Processing of Personal Data."

Device Permissions for Accessing Personal Data: In order to retrieve information from the User's device, this Application may necessitate specific permissions based on the device's specifications. The User is required to grant approval for these permissions before the corresponding information can be accessed, with the option to revoke the permission at any time. The User can review their device settings or contact the Owner to withdraw these permissions. However, it is important to note that revoking such permissions may impact the optimal functioning of this Application.
This Application may engage in the processing of specific Personal Data, including phone and storage permissions, contingent upon the User's authorization. Phone permissions entail access to the device's phone number, network information, and active call status, while storage permissions provide access to shared external storage, including the ability to read and add items.

Phone Permission: The acquisition of phone permission is intended to enable a range of telephony features. This permission grants read-only access to the "phone state," facilitating access to the device's phone number, real-time information from the mobile network, and the status of any ongoing calls. Users, by granting this permission, ensure the complete functionality of the Application's telephony features.

Storage Permission: Utilized for accessing shared external storage, including reading and adding items.

Detailed Information on Personal Data Processing: For an in-depth elucidation of how Personal Data is processed, Users can refer to the section titled "Detailed Information on the Processing of Personal Data." Personal Data is gathered for diverse purposes and through various services, including Device Permissions for Accessing Personal Data. Users must grant specific permissions to this Application to allow access to their device data, as specified in this section. This Application requests access rights to User's device Data through explicit permissions such as phone and storage permissions. By providing these permissions, users authorize the Application to access and modify their data, as delineated in this document. In adherence to the CCPA, internet data is considered a form of personal information collected by this Application. Users can be assured that their personal information is collected and processed in compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

User Rights: As a user, you possess several rights concerning the processing of your data. These rights are crafted to empower you with greater control over the utilization of your data and safeguard your privacy. The enumerated rights encompass:

  • Right to Withdraw Consent: You retain the right to withdraw your consent for the processing of your data at any time. If you have previously granted consent, you can rescind it at your discretion.

  • Right to Object to Processing: You have the right to object to the processing of your data on specific grounds other than your consent. Further details on this can be found in the dedicated section below.

  • Right to Access Information: You are entitled to ascertain whether the Owner is processing your data, receive a disclosure of the specific aspects of the processing, and obtain a copy of the data being processed.

  • Right to Verify and Seek Rectification: You possess the right to ensure the accuracy of your data and request its updating or correction.

  • Right to Limit Processing: Under certain circumstances, you have the right to restrict the processing of your data. In such instances, the Owner will only store your data without processing it for any alternative purpose.

  • Right to Erasure: You hold the right, under specific conditions, to request the erasure of your data by the Owner.

  • Right to Data Portability: You are entitled to receive your data in a structured, widely used, and machine-readable format. If technically feasible, you can easily transfer it to another controller. This provision applies when data processing is automated with your consent, in compliance with a contract involving you, or in fulfillment of pre-contractual obligations.

  • Right to File a Complaint: You retain the right to lodge a complaint with your local data protection authority if you believe that your data protection rights have been violated.
These rights collectively ensure that your data is processed fairly and transparently, with due respect to your privacy. The Owner is dedicated to upholding these rights and is committed to furnishing you with the requisite information and assistance for their exercise.

Details about the Right to Object to Processing: Users maintain the right to object to the processing of their data in specific scenarios, such as when it is being processed in the public interest, by the Owner in the exercise of their official authority, or when the Owner possesses a legitimate interest in doing so. To exercise this right, users are required to articulate a specific reason relevant to their case. It is important for users to be aware that they possess an unequivocal right to object to the processing of their data for direct marketing purposes, without the necessity of providing a reason. Users can consult the pertinent sections of this document to ascertain whether the Owner is processing Personal Data for direct marketing purposes.

How to Exercise These Rights: Should you desire to assert your rights as a User, please utilize the contact information furnished in this document to communicate with the Owner. The Owner is dedicated to promptly addressing your requests, ensuring a response within one month at the latest, and without imposing any charges.
Additional Information about Data Collection and Processing

  • Legal Action: The Owner retains the right to utilize the User's Personal Data in court or administrative proceedings concerning any legal action arising from the misuse of this Application or its associated Services. Through the utilization of this Application, the User acknowledges that the Owner may be compelled to disclose personal information to public authorities upon request

  • Further Details on User's Personal Data: Upon the User's request, this Application can furnish additional information regarding specific Services or the collection and handling of Personal Data, complementing the details provided in this privacy statement.

  • System Logs and Maintenance: This Application, along with any third-party services, may generate files that document interactions (System logs) and utilize additional Personal Data (such as the IP Address) for its operational purposes.

  • Information Not Contained in This Policy: The Owner is always accessible for additional information regarding the collection or processing of Personal Data. Contact details are provided at the beginning of this document.

  • Do Not Track Requests: This Application does not accommodate "Do Not Track" requests. Users can refer to the privacy policies of third-party services to ascertain whether they acknowledge "Do Not Track" requests.

  • Changes to This Privacy Policy: The Owner reserves the right to amend this privacy policy by notifying Users on this page or within this Application and, when feasible, by notifying Users via any available contact information. It is strongly recommended to revisit this page frequently, referring to the last modified date at the bottom. In case the amendments concern activities requiring User consent, the Owner will seek new consent where applicable.

  • Contact Information: If you have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding this privacy policy or the handling of your Personal Data, please contact the Owner using the information provided.
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